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We support a comprehensive approach to transitional justice which links different policy fields and actors.

In July 2019, the German government adopted the “Interministerial Strategy to Support Dealing with the Past and Reconciliation (Transitional Justice)” as part of the implementation of the Federal Government's “Guidelines on Preventing Crises, Managing Conflicts, Promoting Peace” (2017).

The strategy aims to strengthen Germany’s engagement in the field of transitional justice, to further approaches and instruments as well as interministerial cooperation. Four priority areas are identified:

  • linking dealing with the past with a prevention agenda
  • empowering communities particularly affected by violence and transforming conflict narratives
  • promoting gender equality in transitional justice processes
  • using the multi-faceted experience gained from addressing Germany's past

Furthermore, the strategy highlights the importance of enhanced national and international partnerships between state, civil society and academia, collaboration and mutual learning.

Against this background, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Berghof Foundation took the initiative to establish the Global Learning Hub for Transitional Justice and Reconciliation. Set up in early 2022, the Hub seeks to strengthen partnerships and to advance the policy and practice of transitional justice.